Thursday, October 6, 2011

Do You DARE to End Fear in One BREATH?

A destonian asked me today “Do you dare to end fear in one single breath?”

This question 'struck' me because I wanted to say yes. I wanted to say “I dare to end fear in one single breath” but within me there was the immediate hesitation, and within that moment I said “I want to say yes, but self honestly the answer is no”.

Why did I say that? Why did I allow that to be the answer that I live and exist as? Who am I in relation to ending fear in one breath?

The first point that comes up is memories and experiences wherein I have made declarations and promises before but did not live up to them or ended up giving up on them – so the first reaction within me was the thought that it would be 'best' to not make such statements when I am not absolutely certain that I can live up to them because then I would be lying to myself and will only create a bigger time loop for me to walk through – but really this is still just limitation and excuses to remain limited. This is still the same design of enslavement that has kept humanity excusing itself from actually changing and doing whatever it takes, no matter what, to stand up and take responsibility.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react to the words “Do you dare to end fear in one single breath?” within separating myself from those words as life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear living the statement of ending fear in one single breath.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to justify not ending fear in one breath due to not taking self responsibility for what self is accepting and allowing to exist within self.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear not living up to the statement of “I dare to end fear in one breath”.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to remain within the limitation of fearing to end fear in one breath so that I can continue to justify my position of limitation and continue to remain 'powerless' and pretend that I am not responsible for my self-creation.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to resist changing me and walking the physical correction of me to stop the patterns and experiences and memories that I have existed as because such patterns and experiences and memories are not real in fact and will only keep me enslaved to living in my past and trying to fix my past instead of being here and realizing that here, in each breath, is the opportunity to change me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be directed by the fear of failure and projecting failure into my future within my mind.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am not able to end fear in one breath because apparently fear is who and what I stand equal to and thus resist letting go of because then I would actually be letting go of a part of me which provided me with a way of not actually dealing with my life because I would always be able to hide behind fear as a distraction and excuse.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear ending fear in one breath because if I did not have fear and did not accept or allow fear within me, there would no longer be any more excuses for me to not live fully in each moment and actually stand up within myself and my world and do whatever I can to make a difference because then I would no longer fear failure, fear opinions of others, fear my past, or fear my own projected limitations.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to 'talk' myself out of being able to stop fear in one breath due to fear of not being able to stop fear in one breath and thus have to experience a fall within myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to associate stopping fear in one breath with the thought and belief that it is not possible because this is just 'the way I am' because this is not in fact so and is only a self-belief.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live as me the statement “I dare to end fear in one breath”.

When I notice myself facing a point of fear within myself I will stop and bring myself back HERE and live the statement of “I dare to end fear in one breath” and I will move myself to immediately correct myself and work with the situation that I find myself in without fear or anxiety and will not accept or allow fear or anxiety within me and in this I will live as me the statement “I dare to stop fear in one breath”.

When I notice myself participating in fear within myself I will stop because I realize that I am the one who creates the fear and I am the one who allows the fear to have an 'effect' on me, so within that realization I do not require to experience or allow fear to direct who I am, because the fear will only protect my limitations.

The next point I noticed within me was the 'eternity' aspect of making a statement such as “I dare to end fear in one single breath” - such a statement is a 'forever' statement that can only be true if it stands the test of time, and within this was intimidation and fear because forever according to the mind is a very long 'time' and in that time, I accepted and allowed myself to project backdoors and already anticipate that I will indeed continue to fall to fear and experience the disappointment of not living up to my words. So already, I have excused and justified why I am not able to make a statement and stand by it for eternity.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear making statements that stand for eternity because I have not trusted myself or developed within myself sufficient self trust and discipline to stand within and as the statement of “I dare to end fear in one breath”.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear making and living the statement of “I dare to end fear in one breath” only to be faced with a fear and not live up to the statement and thus diminish my point of self trust.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to deny myself the opportunity to live the statement of “I dare to end fear in one breath” within holding on to my current ideas and beliefs and limitations and believing that I am not able to change.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear making eternal statements because I fear that I do not have the sufficient self will and self discipline to make a decision that lasts for eternity.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear eternity because I fear repeating the mistakes of my past and thus project those mistakes into the future, which I then compound when considering the span of “eternity” as an infinite 'future' in which I am able to make many many more mistakes and failures.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear making the same mistakes from my past because there are still points within myself and my environment which I have not transcended and within this I fear that I will not be able to stand eternally within a point because I have not yet transcended what I am currently facing.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use the excuse of “I do not trust myself now so I cannot ever trust myself” as a way to abdicate myself and deny my responsibility to change self and direct self.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that if I make the statement of “I dare to stop fear in one breath” then it means that I must, from now on, never experience fear again – instead of realizing that it is not about never experiencing fear, but to stop fear in one breath each and every time from now into eternity until fear no more exists within me or my world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that making and living the statement of “I dare to stop fear in one breath” means that in one breath I must forevermore never experience or have to face fear again, and within that expectation I already talk myself out of being able to practically live the statement “I dare to stop fear in one breath”.

I realize that “time” according to the mind is not real and that 'eternity' does not exist as some vast expanse outside of myself projected forever into the future, but is in fact already HERE. Thus who I am now, and what I am currently accepting of myself in this moment, is the self that is being lived into eternity – which means that who I am as the current accumulation of 'me' is the 'me' that will exist within and as eternity, and that in each moment I am responsible for ensuring that who I am and what I accumulate as me is what is best for all, because then what is best for all is what I am contributing and existing as for 'eternity'.

So within this, I live the word 'eternity' not as some future outside of myself that goes on forever and ever separate from me, over which I apparently have no influence, but rather 'eternity' is that which is already here, that which is the infinite moment – thus to live a statement for eternity is to live a statement in each moment – in each breath – which can only be done breath by breath. And as I push and will myself to live breath by breath and ensure that I am living fully and in self honesty in each breath, one after the other, one forgiving and letting go of the other and not worrying about the 'next' breath that is not yet here, I will be able to live any statement into the eternity that is HERE.

The next point I saw within this was that at the moment there are still points within myself and my environment where I am not the directive principle of me, where I still allow myself to participate in fear, still allow myself to remain enslaved to the mind and abdicate myself to a position in which I simply 'let life happen to me' and 'go along for the ride' instead of taking the wheel for myself and directing myself in each moment and ensuring that my actions are always accumulating within what is best for all. It is in such places where backchat and self-defeat reside – the corners where I have abdicated myself the most – the people and situations that I have always dreaded and feared – are the places that I must walk through and stand within to forevermore establish beyond the shadow of any doubt that I indeed remain and that I will not fall, and that the words that I speak as declarations of self will stand the test of time. I realize this because if there is anything within me that I am fearing to direct, fearing to face, fearing to take responsibility for, then I am not actually trustworthy because I will continue to abdicate myself and compromise my self honesty in order to remain 'safe' from that fear – thus any statement of self cannot actually be trusted if self is not trustworthy.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to resist taking responsibility for who I am and what I am accepting and allowing myself to participate in in relation to my current situation and environment because of believing that I am not able to stand up and change within this specific circumstance and thus should simply allow myself to go along 'for the ride' and allow myself to be moved by consequence instead of self direction.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge and resist my current situation instead of realizing that this is the exact situation behind which I have hidden many of my fears and limitation and that it is only my mind as ego and self interest that is telling me that I should find a way 'out' so as not to have to actually face myself and what I have created.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge the environment and the people in my life right now within separation and comparison, and within this, fear to stand up and direct myself because of fearing that I may fail and make things worse for me if I “rock the boat”.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, for my entire existence, not trust or value myself enough to stand up and change myself and face all of the points where I abdicate myself and give myself over to fear and limitation.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am able to just 'get on with life' and allow life to 'sort things out' on my behalf without having to face manifested consequences and have to take responsibility for myself and my world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to resist and fear living the statement “I dare to stop fear in one breath” because that would mean I would have to no longer participate in the excuses and fears and limitations that I currently experience in my world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to to resist facing who I am and who I have designed myself to be and taking the responsibility to change me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to 'wait' until I have the answer or wait until some better solution presents itself before I take the initiative to direct myself and my world.

I stop allowing myself to procrastinate and complain and argue in regards to my life and my circumstances because I realize that I am alone responsible for how I am experiencing myself within my reality and that I am responsible for what I am accepting and allowing within myself, which manifests within my world as the reflection of me.

I stop complaining and arguing about my life and my situation within my backchat to myself within getting myself into a state of self defeat and depression because I see and realize that this will only further enslave me to my experiences and will not assist or support me in changing my world or my experience.

When I see myself throwing myself a 'pity party' I will stop, bring myself to a complete and total stop and realize that such pity parties will only prolong my experience and will only lead to more polarity as I shift from the negative into the positive only to start all over again as I feed the energetic addictions of my design, believing that this is what it is to be 'alive'. Thus I will stop and realize that throwing myself a pity party and not supporting myself and simply resorting to whining and complaining within myself as backchat or to others in my world will only feed that exact experience further, and will actually support that very experience within this world because I am standing one and equal to it.

When I see myself complaining and whining instead of directing myself and walking the solution as myself, I stop and realize that I am only arguing for my limitations and that I am only enslaving myself further to consequence instead of being self-directed. Thus I will myself to STOP whining and complaining about my life and my situation and instead investigate how I created this current situation and how I am responsible for directing it within what is best for all – thus giving myself back to myself, equalizing myself to “God” by forgiving myself and creating myself 'anew'.

Thus I now live the statement of “I dare to stop fear in one breath” instead of “I do not dare to stop fear in one breath” - breath by breath I will live this and I will continue to bring myself back to breath each time I 'lose' myself, until I am here, as the eternal statement “I dare to stop fear in one breath”.

I am grateful for this fellow destonian for bringing up this question - and I encourage all to ask themselves as well. 

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