Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Why am I the Fucker of existence?

Because the fortunate few rest insulated while the masses must huddle to ward the biting cold of unforgiving winter. And I would have it no other way, for I do not huddle amongst the masses, nor am I without insulation from the elements of seasons.

Because the stomachs of entire nations shall fall ill or perish from want of sustenance while the favored few dine upon delicacies. And I would have it no other way, for I am not ill from malnutrition, nor have I been remiss in my indulgences.

Because countless lives are ended by violence and destruction in the name of maintaining the order of things, and I would have it no other way, for I am very much alive and safe from danger, and may enjoy an order of things favorable to me.

Because the natural resources of this planet are exploited, plundered, or rendered defective by self interest while those who must depend on the equilibrium and balance of their environment and resources are left with nothing. And I for one would have it no other way, for I am able to enjoy my existence through the toil and sacrifice of others, even at the cost of planetary stability.

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